Tonight I met a new person. Though I probably won't ever meet him again, it was fun and exciting. I got a text from a number I didn't recognize and this is how our text conversation went:
Random #: What's up
Me: Who's this?
Random #: Tony
Tony: Hi
Me: who? Tony the Tiger?
Tony: no tony gambino
Me: dude! What's up?
Tony: Who the **** is this?
Me: Now, now. There's no reason to use that kind of language. And I believe you sent me a text first
Tony: Im not being mean sorry so who is this in a nice way
Me: This is dan locke. I'm a children's pastor.
Tony: Sorry dan i must have text you by mistake
Me: No prob. Have a magnificent evening
So there it is, word for word. Except for the bad word. I didn't want to post that. It was bad.
I hope Tony really did have a magnificent evening. Maybe he'll text me tomorrow and tell me how it went...